TCM Acupuncture is a traditional practice rooted in Chinese medicine. This technique involves placing ultra-fine needles into specific points on your body, called acupuncture points, which are part of pathways known as meridians. These meridians are thought to carry your body’s energy, or "Qi." While the concept of Qi might sound a bit mystical, modern science shows that acupuncture can trigger your nervous system, release feel-good endorphins, and boost blood flow—helping your body to heal itself naturally.
Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, stress, headaches, or digestive issues, TCM Acupuncture could be the game-changer you need. TCM Acupuncture can reduce inflammation, enhance your immune system, and promote overall well-being. Think of it as a way to give your body the nudge it needs to get back on track - working alongside any other treatments you’re using.
TCM Acupuncture is known to help with: - Chronic pain (like back, neck, or joint pain) - Stress and anxiety - Headaches or migraines - Digestive issues (such as IBS or bloating) - Sleep disturbances - Hormonal imbalances - Fatigue or low energy - Recovery from sports injuries - General wellness and maintenance If these sound a bit like you, TCM Acupuncture might be right up your alley. It’s a gentle and safe treatment that’s great for people of all ages. Whether you’re facing something new and acute or an ongoing challenge, acupuncture can be tailored to meet your unique needs.
In your first session, your practitioner will conduct a thorough assessment of your injury and overall alignment to determine the best approach for your treatment. Whether it’s gua sha, moxibustion, or activating meridian points with fine needles, your practitioner will guide you through each step. The minimally invasive needles are barely noticeable and cause little to no discomfort. Still unsure? Check out our reels on social media for a behind-the-scenes look at an acupuncture session.
Our TCM Acupuncture sessions might include a mix of: - Needle Insertion: Precise placement of those tiny needles to activate specific points. - Moxibustion: Gently warming the skin with mugwort to enhance the effects of acupuncture. - Gua Sha: A smooth tool to gently scrape the skin, boosting circulation and reducing inflammation.
The number of sessions you’ll need depends on what’s going on with your body. If it’s something acute, like a recent injury, you might start with one or two sessions a week. For chronic issues or maintenance, spacing it out to every two to four weeks might be just the ticket. We’ll tweak things as we go to match your progress.
You might be wondering what the difference is between TCM Acupuncture and the Acupuncture most Physios offer (Dry Needling). TCM Acupuncture is a comprehensive approach that goes beyond just relieving symptoms. It focuses on balancing your body’s energy (Qi) to address the root causes of what’s bothering you. Unlike dry needling, which zeroes in on muscle knots and trigger points, TCM Acupuncture looks at the bigger picture -considering your entire body and mind. One of the key differences is that TCM Acupuncture is not just about needling. It often includes techniques like Gua Sha (a gentle scraping of the skin to promote circulation) and Moxibustion (the warming of acupuncture points with moxa, a type of herb) to enhance the healing process. These additional modalities can provide a more rounded and effective treatment, especially for chronic conditions, pain management, and even stress. Because it works on multiple levels, both physical and emotional, TCM Acupuncture aims to offer longer-lasting relief and overall wellness, rather than just a temporary fix by addressing the underlying imbalances in your body.